One of the things I’ve been doing a lot of in the past
couple of months is talking with my colleague, Professor Patricia Riddell about
the interrelation between neuroscience and change and indeed neuroscience and
coaching and neuroscience and NLP and a whole bunch of other things too. And the net result of this has been that we
have both found this very stimulating and so this is the beginning of something
which you will be seeing the fruits of certainly in the new year in the form of
a major programme that is gonna be neuroscience the real deal.
But right now one of the things that has really struck us
is how there are these simple things that have come out of the neuroscience
research that make an enormous difference on how people function and we just
wanted to get some of those out. So this
coming week for instance, on Thursday, we are going to be talking for an hour
and a half on some of these themes and we’ve been thinking about what would be
an interesting sort of area to explore, well we started very detailed and then
it became broader and then we ended up with You, Your World and Your Brain. That’s our working title so we seem to be
encompassing pretty much everything, not bad for 90 minutes.
But there is a lot of correlation here between the way
you use your brain, your sense of yourself and the world you create and it
shows up in some interesting ways, for instance, one of the things we wanna
touch on is how people are frequently much better at empathising with other
people than with themselves. Now you
might think that that’s kinda odd, you know, surely you can understand how it
is for you, well yes and no, actually the data is in, this is something which
is very clear from the neuroscience research, people empathise with others much
more effectively that they do with themselves.
Now that’s got a lot of implications if you wanna be effective for
instance, because you would need to learn how to empathise with yourself. And there are ways of doing that that have
been tried and tested and surprise, surprise we find that there is a large
overlap here with what we found works in NLP.
So there’s an example, that a very simple one but actually a rather
profound one of how the way you engage with yourself effects the world you live
in and understanding that your brain is not really wired for self-empathy means
you can do something about that and your life will be, not only will you feel
better, your life will be, I think, much better generally because you’ll be
more capable of understanding what’s going on in yourself.
So there’s a simple example and we are gonna actually
explore that practicalities what do you do in order to be able to have that
kind of empathy, how would you be able to best advise another how can you best
advise yourself. In the same way a lot
of people have very uneasy relationships with their own internal dialog, you
know I can think of many people I’ve worked with that have positively felt
persecuted by their internal dialog, but another way of understanding those
from a neuroscience point of view is that your inner voice is actually part of
how you are enabled to ensure effective communication between one part of your
brain and another. You know there’s
gotta be somebody who is introducing parties so to say and getting ideas
across. Now that is a completely
different function for internal dialog and again that’s a learnable skill, but
understanding why internal dialog would be really valuable again that’s kind of
useful and knowing how to do it even more so, the research is there we already
know this, so as Patricia and I talk about these things, it becomes very clear
that there are a lot of practical pay offs.
And then there are others, we will get to these in the evening, but for
instance have you ever had that experience where you recall something that
happened that wasn’t so great and you feel excruciating embarrassment when you
think about it and then you talk to someone else about it and they can barely
remember it even happening? Well there’s
something going on there, that’s how your brain works and there’s particular
attention to detail and we want to be able to show people how we can change
this and get a radically different understanding of what’s going on.
Anyway, all sorts of interesting things, I find it very
stimulating and hopefully you will to.
So till the next time.
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To listen to this audioboo: